About SOA
Founded in 1968, the Society of Ohio Archivists’ mission is to improve the state of archives in Ohio by promoting the archival profession and providing professional development and networking opportunities for Ohio’s professional and aspiring archivists. Membership in the society is open to the public, and we invite anyone with an interest in archives and manuscripts to join. For more information about SOA’s activities, please visit www.ohioarchivists.org.
Member Benefits and Levels of Memberships
In addition to furthering archival interests within the state of Ohio, SOA members receive discounted registration to conferences and workshops and access to the SOA newsletter, The Ohio Archivist.
Individual & Student memberships
Individual and student members receive the benefits listed above, as well as voting rights at the annual business meeting.
Bridge membership
Bridge memberships are for those who are no longer students but are not yet employed, or those who are currently unemployed. Bridge members receive the same benefits as individual members.
Patron & Sponsor memberships
Members at this level receive regular individual privileges as well as provide additional support to help SOA fund special projects.
Institutional membership
SOA discontinued the Institutional membership level as of January 1, 2020.
Society of Ohio Archivists Membership
About SOA
Founded in 1968, the Society of Ohio Archivists’ mission is to improve the state of archives in Ohio by promoting the archival profession and providing professional development and networking opportunities for Ohio’s professional and aspiring archivists. Membership in the society is open to the public, and we invite anyone with an interest in archives and manuscripts to join. For more information about SOA’s activities, please visit www.ohioarchivists.org.
Member Benefits and Levels of Memberships
In addition to furthering archival interests within the state of Ohio, SOA members receive discounted registration to conferences and workshops and access to the SOA newsletter, The Ohio Archivist.
Individual & Student memberships
Individual and student members receive the benefits listed above, as well as voting rights at the annual business meeting.
Bridge membership
Bridge memberships are for those who are no longer students but are not yet employed, or those who are currently unemployed. Bridge members receive the same benefits as individual members.
Patron & Sponsor memberships
Members at this level receive regular individual privileges as well as provide additional support to help SOA fund special projects.
Institutional membership
SOA discontinued the Institutional membership level as of January 1, 2020.